Common Tool Questions
- The manager populated in my Documentation Folder is incorrect. How can I update it?
- How do I add or remove users in SpendLogic?
- How to add a New Supplier to your Supplier Database
- System Technical Specifications
- User Name Change - How do I update this in SpendLogic?
- How can I add more rows to my table?
Price Analysis
- Why can't I use historical pricing as my analysis methodology when I bought the same thing before?
- How do I do a price analysis on unknown travel?
- What is the Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) Analysis method?
- Updated Mileage Reimbursement Rate (Effective 01/01/2023) - Travel Analysis
- Historical Analysis: When might it be acceptable for the lapse in time between purchases to be greater than 12 months?
Source Justification
- Our customer really wants us to use a particular supplier. Is that sufficient for a source justification?
- Basic Steps for Completing Your Source Justification
- I am conducting a non-competitive procurement and need a source justification. How do I do that?
- What if our engineers are used to completing source justifications? Is this possible in SpendLogic?
- How to create a CPSR Report in SpendFile (Documentation Folders)
- How do I re-assign a Documentation Folder?
- How do I add a new contract to my contract database when in Documentation Folders?
- How to Review a Documentation Folder (SpendFile)
- My documentation folder is locked for editing but I need to make changes. How do I Reopen and Edit?
- How do I cancel the requested review of my PO documentation?